Well here goes, my first Blog!!
Having been humbled into submission by my colleagues, who have
eloquently been writing about a number of subjects using
humour, diplomacy and amazing pedagogical incite, I have decided to come out
from behind the bush and give this 'new fangled' way of communication a
My natural aptitude is for privacy and having a
reluctance for 'publishing' my thoughts on line - I don't do Facebook, I am
biting the bullet and joining the 21st Century - I hope!! My worry, at the moment,
is that I am writing this Blog and when I go to post it (my goodness, all this
new jargon I am using, hopefully correctly) it will be uploaded (or whatever
the term is). My next worry, that has popped into my head, is - will my writing
be grammatically correct, spelling be OK and does it make sense??
The second reason for writing today is down to our
Boss. He has made it one of my Appraisal targets to write 3 Blogs this year, as
he has done for the whole Senior Team!! This target was set in September so I
feel quite proud that I am writing this first one in February. In my head, my
first Tweet/Blog (am I Tweeting or Blogging) was entitled 'My B****Y
Headteacher made me write this' But as I witter away I find it rather soothing
and cathartic but this raises another worry - will I ramble on about everything
and anything just to get it out of my head? All these worries?? And I thought I
rarely worried about anything but I suppose this is a natural reaction to new
things/change. At least this thing has Spell Check though I am writing this
with a dictionary beside me!!
Tomorrow is back to work, Term 4. My break in
Barcelona is starting to be a distant memory as I plough through marking of
CATs, reconstructing a child's file (after writing an EHCP) and researching
some ideas around reading and subject leadership plus all the other bits and
pieces needed as I wade though the box of paper I dragged home with me at the
end of Term 3(note to self - don't leave everything to Sunday night!!)
Before I sign off I will take a leaf out of my
colleague's book and bullet point some thoughts for my next venture into this
strange land
1. My thoughts of the new Code of Practice
especially EHCP and High Needs funding
2.Children's behaviour and the reactions from
Professionals and Joe Public
4. Supervision for Educators
5. Spelling Bee (another helpful idea from The
So dear friends (hopefully someone will read this)
I will sign off and keep all fingers and toes crossed that when I press the
button these initial musings will wing its way off to cyber space or is it the
Ha ha - first for us both today - whatever is happening? Well done!
ReplyDeleteWell written Miss M...welcome to the web.